Meet Santa Claus, November 30th & December 1st

November 30 & December 1st, make sure to visit the kiosk meet Santa Claus! He will be there to supervise the Elves during their last weekend at Jean-Talon Market.

affiche_pere_noel_2013Between 10AM and noon, and between 1PM and 3PM, if you buy 6 dollars’ worth at the kiosk or if you make a $5 donation, he will insist on having his picture taken with you, your children, even your dog! Thanks to Lozeau, you will be able to leave with a printed copy of the photograph which will also be available for downloading

All profits from this event will help finance our great Holiday gift distribution of 2013. Our hope is that for more than 3,500 men, women and children affected by HIV-Aids, suffering from social isolation or living in underprivileged areas, the small gift lovingly wrapped by the Elves might bring them a little bit of magic and happiness.

If you can’t visit us at the Market, you can help the Elves by making an online donation or by sending us a cheque at the following address:

Little Elves Foundation
C.P. 121, Succ. Place d’Armes
Montréal, Québec
H2Y 3H8, Canada
